Stuck for ideas? Check out this list of our Whimsical writing prompts for some inspiration. Who knows, it might help you produce something for our next open call for submissions!
How does an ant experience the world? Consider weather, seasons, other insects.
If a witch had a day job, what would a typical day look like for them? How would they interact with people? What job would they do? what would they do when they got home?
A pixie winds up trapped in a frogspawn with a tadpole. What do they talk about? Does she fight to get out or wait for the tadpole to finish growing?
A faerie asks for your name. What does he do with it?
A little old lady in your village has been handing out jars of honey to your neighbours, and to you. Only you have noticed she has deadly nightshade in her garden
A goose has befriended you. To everyone else they are vicious. Why? How?
The best part of the day for a small dog in the circus in hair and makeup
My grandfather used to worry that wild rabbits wouldn't be warm enough in winter now the climate is changing, so he would knit hats for them. The hard part was getting them on the rabbits