So you're stuck.
It happens to the best of us. In fact, it happens to all of us. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying! We've come together to try to come up with our favourite tips for beating a case of writer's block to help you when writing seems like the most impossible task you've ever known.
Idea 1 - inspiration from the unknown
Head to your nearest bookshop, or if you can't, head online, and have a look at some recently published short story collections. Reading is a brilliant way to gain some inspiration.
Idea 2 - inspiration from the known
Think about your favourite children's story. Find a character within it that sits on the outskirts of the story. Can you tell the story from their point of view? Do they have a completely different story to tell?
Idea 3 - inspiration from the world
Go to the nearest city, sit on a bench with a notebook and write down ten sentences from conversations you overhear, they cannot be from the same conversation or people. Then see if you can find a thread through them all, can you find a way to make them all into one story?
Idea 4 - inspiration from a feeling
Think about the last time you felt purely happy. That pure, childish happy. If you were a child in that memory, describe it as if you were an adult observing. If you were an adult, describe it from the point of view of your inner child
Idea 5 - inspiration from the past
Take a look at an old piece of writing. Where is it set? Now, take that setting and choose the most natural part of it. Is it a river, is it a cloud, is it a flame in the corner of a room? Take your original scene and rewrite it from the point of view of that element.