This week we interviewed one of the authors featured in our debut anthology Seasons. We wanted to find out how they had felt during working with us, a little more about them, and any advice they might have for future authors who are currently debating working with us. Many thanks to Jordan Johnston for answering our questions and being an awesome author to work with!
What does whimsical mean to you?
When the veil of seriousness surrounding our day-to-day lives is lifted and we realize that life is beautifully absurd.
Can you tell us what drew you to our last submission call? How did you find us?
The exact details of how exactly I found the last submission are lost to me; I was likely perusing submission calls on Twitter in the depths of the night… I do remember being excited to be a part of a publication’s inaugural issue!
How did you find the process working with our team? Could you talk us through what happened?
The team at Whimsical Press have been great and really supportive every step of the way. We’ve been communicating across a significant number of time zones but the editing process was smooth and I was delighted to recently receive a copy of the first issue. It’s going on a prime spot on my bookshelf!
What would you say to people considering submitting to our next open call?
Absolutely submit! I’m so honored to be a part of the first issue amongst such talented writers, and can’t wait to watch Whimsical Press grow.
Tell us a bit more about yourself as a writer. Is this your first publication? What writing do you enjoy the most? Where do you see your career as a writer going?
This is one of my first published pieces of fiction. I’ve always loved writing but only recently began submitting fiction to publications. There’s ups and downs but my experience with Whimsical Press has been really positive and allowed me to keep pushing through the rejection that comes with the territory. I’d love to keep writing short fiction, but my dream has always been to get a novel published.
What book are you reading at the moment?
I’m currently reading Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart—the vividness of the characterisation and dialogue is both exceptionally absorbing as a reader and inspiring as a writer.
What are your top three favourite books?
This is a deeply agonizing question that fluctuates based on my mood. Three books I’ve read over the past year or so that have changed my perspective include Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson, Times Square Red, Times Square Blue by Samuel R. Delany, and The View from Castle Rock by Alice Munro.
Anything else you would like to tell our readers?
Stay whimsical!
Jordan's short story Dancers can be found in the physical and digital copy of Seasons, available in our online shop only.