Submit your writing
Submissions open 4th SEPT - 12th OCT
Welcome to Whimsical Press’ third anthology submissions call!
Whimsical Press is an indie publishing press focused on creating stories that celebrate imagination, the inner child that is often neglected, and the magical nature of the natural world and humans alike. Our tight knit team will be editing, designing and curating the anthology of some of the finest work. Our mission is to celebrate writers who find inspiration from the magical mundanity of life.
What we’re looking for:
We accept short stories, narrative poems, excerpts from novels or novellas and flash fiction. All genres will be considered, but always be mindful of the theme within your writing.
We publish new writing, so please do not submit work that has already been published elsewhere.
The theme for the autumn 2023 edition of Whimsical Press’ anthology is Rituals.
We do not accept any work that condones anti LGBTQIA+, prolife, racist, or misogynistic narratives.
Submissions Guidelines
All submissions must be entirely your own work, previously unpublished. We will consider submissions under consideration elsewhere but ask you to notify us if accepted. You may at this point provide an alternative piece if you still wish to be published with us, but we do retain the right to not accept this piece, should it no longer fit the theme or uphold the quality we are looking for. We will only choose one submission per author to publish, if successful. All rights will be retained by the author.
Submissions will be published in British English, but may include other languages within the piece..
Please include disclaimers or trigger warnings for your writing. This will not affect the publication of your writing if you are accepted, nor will it impact whether your submission will be accepted. This is purely for the benefit of the editorial team.
Please only submit to ONE of the following categories:
All fiction, including short stories and excerpts from larger work should not exceed 3,000 words. We will consider one piece of fiction writing only.
Flash fiction should not exceed 500 words per piece. We will consider up to four pieces of flash fiction.
Poetry submissions in any form can be up to 60 lines. Authors can submit multiple poems per submission provided that they do not exceed 60 lines in total. One poem per author will be accepted if successful.
Submissions window
Our submission window is open from the 4th sept - 12th October.
How to submit
Attach your work as a Word document or PDF and entitle it with the category of your work plus your name. If you are submitting multiple pieces of work please include them in one document. Submissions that fail to follow the criteria will not be read.
We will only contact you directly if your work is shortlisted, given the size of our editorial team. We will notify applicants of their success prior to publication via email – please expect a response no later than 19th of October 2023.
Thank you