Honeyguide Magazine
Honeyguide Magazine is a bi-annual magazine that accepts pieces that reveal how close in space and mind the animal and human kingdoms are.
Theme: Ocean Animals
Accepts: Stories, Art, Poetry
Dates: March 15th - April 30th
Website: www.honeyguidemag.com
The Viridian Door
This Lit Mag was created to form a space for the beautifully unhinged to showcase their work.
Theme: None
Accepts: Poetry, Flash Fiction, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Art/Photography
Dates: March - May, July - September, November - January
Website: www.theviridiandoor.wixsite.com
Sepia is an independent non-profit literary and arts journal who see art as a vehicle for interrogation and introspection.
Theme: None
Accepts: Prose, Poetry, Visual Art
Dates: All year
Website: www.thesepia.org
Jaden Magazine
Jaden is a wellness and self-discovery magazine looking for pieces that will inspire positive change in others.
Theme: Awakening
Accepts: Stories, Essays, Poems
Dates: 1st-30th April
Website: www.candicedaphne.com/jaden-submit
Swim Press
Run by three creative writing graduates, this indie literary journal is looking to give new and emerging writers, especially women+, a chance to publish their work
Theme: Flora & Fauna
Accepts: Poetry, Flash Fiction, Short Stories, Art, Photography
Dates: 2nd-16th April
Website: https://swim-press.co.uk