🏔️Your character decides that starting a garden is cheaper than therapy. Describe the process of discovering gardening
🏔️You're as old as the earth. You know every plant and person. Or you thought you did. Until today…
🏔️ Try to write a description of the earth that is not in any way influenced by climate change
🏔️The stone people of the forest have not moved for centuries. Have you simply been in the forest too long, or are you about to meet a new friend?
🏔️ How would you describe the feeling of your bare feet in mud to an alien who has never experienced it?
🏔️ When a heart breaks, the earth breaks slightly. What heartbreak led to the Grand Canyon? What about the Mariner's Trench?
🌬️ The wind has changed it’s song to one you don’t recognise, an old and eerie tune
🌬️ You see a figure floating just above the skyline, unmoving despite the breeze. How did they get there?
🌬️ The mist has been thick amongst the trees for quite some time. In fact, you can’t remember what the world was like before it
🌬️ As you laid in the meadow, the calm breeze changed as if someone had flipped a switch, a cold slap to your cheek, gone as quickly as it came, and you open your eyes to see the clouds morphing into a figure
🌬️ Describe the feeling of flying a kite for the first time
💥 Fire is supposed to burn, so why can’t I feel anything?
💥 New stars smile down on you, brighter than the sun
💥 Like farmers burn the ground to clear it, you burned it all to start again
💥 What would forests look like if they grew from ashes with no people around to influence them
💥 How would you feel about fireworks if you were two inches tall? What about if you were two miles tall?
🌊 As you get closer to the pool, it starts to ripple, stopping you in your tracks. Suddenly, like a dolphin leaps the waves, a figure leaps from the surface
🌊 What would it feel like to to be a leaf floating down a stream
🌊 If the sea could speak, what would it say?
🌊 What is something you could only tell the rain?
🌊 Would the world be a happier place if we all lived like Venetians?